Monthly Archives: February 2012

Blog: Marginal Revolution: Robin Hanson’s theory of young consultants

Robin Hanson’s theory of young consultants Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Article | Dave Gamache: Designer & Adventurer

Article | Dave Gamache: Designer & Adventurer “Love your craft everyday. Design the simplest, most delightful product you can. Write organized, performant and readable code. Watch people use your product and make it better for them. Improve your work by learning from others and from your own experiences.”

What is Governance? | Francis Fukuyama

What is Governance? | Francis Fukuyama

YouTube: Golden Goal – Boblefotball – Bubble football/soccer (w/English subs)

Golden Goal – Boblefotball – Bubble football/soccer (w/English subs) Brillefaen1234