Monthly Archives: July 2012

A VC: Mobile Is Where The Growth Is

A VC: Mobile Is Where The Growth Is “Mobile does not reward feature richness. It rewards small, application specific, feature light services.”

Twitter: @SamMillerBP

SamMillerBP Baseball is a game of success. Even the worst pitchers record outs 6 out of 10 times.

Blog: ScienceNOW: A Shotgun for Blood Clots

A Shotgun for Blood Clots (author unknown), ScienceNOW

Technology – Robert Wright – What This Higgs Boson Thing Really Means – The Atlantic

Technology – Robert Wright – What This Higgs Boson Thing Really Means – The Atlantic “So, as for the question of what this Higgs boson thing ultimately ‘means’: It means we should all try to have some intellectual humility, especially when opining on grand philosophical matters, because the thing we’re using to try to understand […]

Twitter: @TheMarkTwain

TheMarkTwain Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

The Miracle and the Moment (Michele Kerr) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

The Miracle and the Moment (Michele Kerr) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice “Implicit in the expectations for all students is the belief that truck drivers, manicurists, retail clerks, fire fighters, and all other occupations that aren’t driven by intellect, simply aren’t good enough. They don’t matter. These aren’t lives that might […]

Higgs Boson Explained by Cartoon

Higgs Boson Explained by Cartoon

Twitter: @dcurtis

dcurtis Moderate success is the worst place for a startup. It’s worse than failure. There’s some validation, but no growth. Endless paralysis.

Are the stories you tell yourself the key to happiness? – Barking up the wrong tree

Are the stories you tell yourself the key to happiness? – Barking up the wrong tree ‘According to the psychologist Michele Crossley, depression frequently stems from an “incoherent story,” an “inadequate narrative account of oneself,” or “a life story gone awry.” Psychotherapy helps unhappy people set their life stories straight; it literally gives them a […]

Blog: Barking up the wrong tree: Why do some smart people lack common sense?

Why do some smart people lack common sense? (author unknown), Barking up the wrong tree

The amazing powers of CSS

The amazing powers of CSS Tricks like how to make empty links and images visible.

Twitter: @ProductiveOuts

ProductiveOuts @SamMillerBP jaundice in newborns!

If you give monkeys time and typewriters, will they eventually produce Shakespeare? – Barking up the wrong tree

If you give monkeys time and typewriters, will they eventually produce Shakespeare? – Barking up the wrong tree “The experiment’s most notable discovery was that Sulawesi crested macaques greatly prefer the letter s to all other letters in the alphabet”

Louisiana and the good life | The American Conservative

Louisiana and the good life | The American Conservative

BBC – Future – Health – Why are we so curious? [Anonymoused]

BBC – Future – Health – Why are we so curious? [Anonymoused] “In the world of artificial intelligence, computer scientists have explored how behaviour evolves when guided by different learning algorithms. An important result is that even the best learning algorithms fall down if they are not encouraged to explore a little. Without a little […]

The ‘Busy’ Trap –

The ‘Busy’ Trap – “Almost everyone I know is busy. They feel anxious and guilty when they aren’t either working or doing something to promote their work. They schedule in time with friends the way students with 4.0 G.P.A.’s make sure to sign up for community service because it looks good on their college […]