Monthly Archives: August 2019

Talk to Transformer

Talk to Transformer “In February, OpenAI unveiled a language model called GPT-2 that generates coherent paragraphs of text one word at a time. For now OpenAI has decided only to release three smaller versions of it which aren’t as coherent but still produce interesting results. This site runs the largest released model, 774M, which is […]

How ergodicity reimagines economics for the benefit of us all

How ergodicity reimagines economics for the benefit of us all “Expected utility theory has become so familiar to experts in economics, finance and risk-management in general that most see it as the obvious method of reasoning. Many see no alternatives. But that’s a mistake. This inspired LML efforts to rewrite the foundations of economic theory, […]

Book Review: Secular Cycles

Book Review: Secular Cycles “If history is just “one damn thing after another”, there’s no framework for figuring out what matters, what’s worth learning, what follows what else. The secular cycle idea creates a structure that everything fits into neatly. I know that the Plantagenet Dynasty lasted from 1154 – 1485, because it had to, […]

A New Clue to How Life Originated

A New Clue to How Life Originated “It means that two of the essential components of life, a protocell’s membrane and its proteins, provided the conditions for each other to exist. By sticking to the fatty acids, the amino acids gave them stability. In turn, the fatty acids concentrated the amino acids, perhaps encouraging them […]

Peter Thiel’s Religion

Peter Thiel’s Religion “Moreover, cathedrals can only be built with scientific knowledge and communal support. They require scientists, mathematicians, engineers, craftsmen, and artists. And all of them need a long time horizon. Long time horizons aren’t just psychological. They’re cultural. Modern society suffers from temporal exhaustion. Or as, sociologist Elise Boulding once said: “If one […]