Category Archives: Twitter

Twitter: @jaffathecake

jaffathecake The HTML component model & the shadow DOM sounds ace. Some thoughts:

Twitter: @jsnell

jsnell Some great observations in here from @rickygervais about creativity. And Twitter.

Twitter: @rands

rands There is only one cloud icon in the entire universe: (@hackernews)

Twitter: @mathowie

mathowie People think Google’s mantra is “Don’t Be Evil” but really it’s “Never send in a human to do a python script’s job”

Twitter: @rstevens

rstevens Siri, shut off all the garbage mashers on the detention level SHUT OFF ALL THE GARBA

Twitter: @timoreilly

timoreilly Really important read for both #ows and its critics. RT @HarvardBiz: Steve Jobs and the Purpose of the Corporation

Twitter: @wilto

wilto Might be “an element in Internet Explorer” this Halloween. I’ll just stand a foot to the left of where I would normally stand, at all times.

Twitter: @mike_matas

mike_matas Some really powerfull stuff beautifully explained by Bret Victor. A must read for any designer or engineer.

Twitter: @cdixon

cdixon Groupon tries to recruit creator of Rails. “How many years of Rails experience do you have?” “All of them”