Monthly Archives: February 2014

What You Learn in Your 40s

What You Learn in Your 40s “There are no grown-ups. We suspect this when we are younger, but can confirm it only once we are the ones writing books and attending parent-teacher conferences. Everyone is winging it, some just do it more confidently.”

A new consensus on the future of news

A new consensus on the future of news “Consensus #2a: Paywalls impose a quality imperative. For there to be any kind of growth story, the content behind a paywall cannot be rote newspapering.”

Tweet by Philippa_Perry

Written by a 14 year old. 2 ways to see the same words. via @DerekNichols0 (poet's bro) it's deservedly gone viral. — Philippa_Perry (@Philippa_Perry) February 27, 2014 via

YouTube: Can You Solve This?

Can You Solve This? Veritasium

Tweet by RallyPlantain

#FaceofMLB, #EricSogard relaxes between games by painting Happy Liittle Brackets. That'll be our little secret. — Rally Plantain (@RallyPlantain) February 28, 2014 via

YouTube: Esquivel – Surfboard

Esquivel – Surfboard RingelhutsNiece

Americans would give up TV before Internet: survey – Yahoo News

Americans would give up TV before Internet: survey – Yahoo News “53 percent of US Internet users would find it ‘very hard’ to give up Web access, up from 38 percent in 2006…By contrast, Pew’s survey showed 35 percent of all US adults television would be very hard to give up, compared with 44 percent […]

Tweet by Yahoo

Majority of Americans say they'd find it ‘very hard’ to give up Internet access and would rather forfeit television: — Yahoo (@Yahoo) February 27, 2014 via

Tweet by Mentoch

getting the Twitter alert that @kenarneson & @emmaspan are discussing "ridiculousness" might be the greatest thing ever. — Ewan Ross (@Mentoch) February 27, 2014 via

Tweet by rebeccapbp

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On the Mayor of the Coliseum Complex

On the Mayor of the Coliseum Complex “I was very upset, as it seemed that no one at the A’s really cared and I was ready to cancel my tickets and not go to games this season. I sent out a tweet about the situation and within minutes I had several calls from the A’s, […]

Tweet by JCautomatic

What do we want? Crossword puzzles! When do we want them? In the momentary present (3) — JC (@JCautomatic) February 26, 2014 via

Tweet by ellingson

#doge truck. — Josh Ellingson (@ellingson) February 26, 2014 via

Tweet by waxpancake

An Internet-enabled washing machine sounds pretty silly, and then @bergcloud makes you want one. — Andy Baio (@waxpancake) February 26, 2014 via

Josh Donaldson vs. a Curveball

Josh Donaldson vs. a Curveball “Donaldson’s front leg buys him some time to let the pitch get to him. But he isn’t stopping his energy. His momentum continues as he allows his front leg to buffer his swing. For a swing nerd like me, this is really nice to watch.”

Tweet by cdixon

Universities (20+ year view) fund VCs (10+ year view) who fund entrepreneurs (5+ year view) to compete with Wall Street (0.25 year view). — Chris Dixon (@cdixon) February 25, 2014 via

Tweet by dtnick

.@amandawcc This is what being a sports fan is all about. — Nick Mediati (@dtnick) February 25, 2014 via

YouTube: Clayton Christensen on Religion and Capitalism

Clayton Christensen on Religion and Capitalism Big Think

YouTube: Marcus Raichle on the ‘default mode network’

Marcus Raichle on the ‘default mode network’ Labyrinttv

YouTube: 1956 Kansas City A’s A’s in Action

1956 Kansas City A’s A’s in Action Caladiscafrosis