Monthly Archives: February 2014

James Surowiecki: The End of Brand Loyalty : The New Yorker

James Surowiecki: The End of Brand Loyalty : The New Yorker “…this has made customer loyalty pretty much a thing of the past. Only twenty-five per cent of American respondents in a recent Ernst & Young study said that brand loyalty affected how they shopped.”

Tweet by baseballcrank

@kenarneson It's like a box of chocolates. You never know what it will put on the page. — Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) February 15, 2014 via

Tweet by teen_archer

@kenarneson #honkbal — Ian Miller (@teen_archer) February 13, 2014 via

Tweet by vdemske

American Girl catalog has arrived and lived up to every expectation! — Vanessa (Van) Demske (@vdemske) February 13, 2014 via

Tweet by mathowie

It took over a decade, but we finally completed a recreation of tables-for-layout in CSS: — Matt Haughey (@mathowie) February 11, 2014 via

Tweet by brainpicker

The psychology of trust in work and love – fascinating read #longreads — Maria Popova (@brainpicker) February 9, 2014 via

Tweet by Bleacherdave

@kenarneson nice BP 2014 piece. Thanks — Bleacherdave (@Bleacherdave) February 11, 2014 via

YouTube: Existential SW (In French)

Existential SW (In French) OneMinuteGalactica

Jonathan Haidt: Why Sam Harris is Unlikely to Change his Mind

Jonathan Haidt: Why Sam Harris is Unlikely to Change his Mind ‘“The function of reasoning is argumentative. It is to devise and evaluate arguments intended to persuade…. Skilled arguers are not after the truth but after arguments supporting their views.” When self-interest, partisan identity, or strong emotions are involved, reasoning turns into a lawyer, using […]

Motivated Numeracy and Enlightened Self-Government

Motivated Numeracy and Enlightened Self-Government “This outcome supported Identity-protective Cognition Thesis, which predicted that more Numerate subjects would use their quantitative-reasoning capacity selectively to conform their interpretation of the data to the result most consistent with their political outlooks.”

Major League attendance trends past, present, and future – Beyond the Box Score

Major League attendance trends past, present, and future – Beyond the Box Score I dig the “attendance per metro population” chart; it’s much more flat than the raw attendance numbers. Still, it’s not attendance that matters, it’s revenue, but that’s another issue.

Tweet by JessicaFastball

Whatever you're going through right now probably won't last. It might, but you might get past it. Please be kind to yourself. — Jessica Jensen (@JessicaFastball) February 10, 2014 via

Tweet by ThomasSci

"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." ~Wernher von Braun — Thomas Scientific (@ThomasSci) February 10, 2014 via

Jonathan Haidt: “Why I think Sam Harris is wrong about morality”

Jonathan Haidt: “Why I think Sam Harris is wrong about morality” ‘The philosopher David Wiggins distinguishes between “Non-anthropocentric” and “anthropocentric” facts… Facts of chemistry, physics, and other hard sciences are non-anthropocentric. Anthropocentric facts, in contrast, are only true given the kinds of creatures that we happen to be, due to the twists and turns of […]

Tweet by stace_ofbase

I'm a tid bit swede so go Sweden! — SJ (@stace_ofbase) February 9, 2014 via

Tweet by jakesundstrom

I love Sweden’s hockey jerseys so much. — Jacob Sochistrom (@jakesundstrom) February 9, 2014 via

Tweet by RotoKoan

@kenarneson @baseballpro I really enjoyed your essay, too. — Roto Koan (@RotoKoan) February 9, 2014 via

Tweet by baseballoakland

@kenarneson @baseballpro Congrats, Ken! Great job. — Baseball Oakland (@baseballoakland) February 9, 2014 via

Tweet by justarobert

@kenarneson "My name is Ken, and I am an Oakland A's fan." "Hi, Ken." — Robert (@justarobert) February 9, 2014 via

Tweet by OldHossRadbourn

@jonahkeri Hence the warding middle finger. — Old Hoss Radbourn (@OldHossRadbourn) February 8, 2014 via