Monthly Archives: June 2014

Why Jesus Would Have Hated Most Modern Day Religion

Why Jesus Would Have Hated Most Modern Day Religion “Jesus rejects tribalism, literalism, group identity, specific religions, and gatekeepers as well as his Jewish identity. The phrase ‘Salvation is from the Jews’ is paradoxically a reference to his liberating departure from tribal identity in favor of common humanity.” What is the implication of Jesus-centric non-theological, […]

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#WWDC even though I'm kind of stoked about #Swift, can't help but think, "welcome to .NET 2.0 for Windows XP circa 2005." — Adron Hall (@adron) June 2, 2014 via

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YouTube: A Musical History Of Death: ‘Exit Music’ by Tom Allen

A Musical History Of Death: ‘Exit Music’ by Tom Allen CBC Music

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6/It is hard to believe that people will get these capabilities and then come up with… absolutely nothing useful to do with them. — Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 1, 2014 via

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Child showing mother a picture on a laptop. Greek, circa 110 BC. Marble. via @moritz_stefaner — Golan Levin (@golan) June 1, 2014 via

Sweden has lots of wealth inequality

Sweden has lots of wealth inequality from: June 1, 2014 at 12:24AM

Teenagers Are No Longer the Scary Delinquents of 30 Years Ago

Teenagers Are No Longer the Scary Delinquents of 30 Years Ago “What’s happening today isn’t an aberration. Teenagers from the mid-60s through the mid-90s were the aberration… It was the result of defective brain development caused by early exposure to lead.”