Monthly Archives: January 2015

Muggle Studies

Muggle Studies from: January 31, 2015 at 11:29AM

Social media, and sociability, vs. blogging

Social media, and sociability, vs. blogging from: January 31, 2015 at 11:16AM

Liberals are WEIRDer than Conservatives

Liberals are WEIRDer than Conservatives from: January 31, 2015 at 11:11AM

Tweet by fifthstarter

Vaccination Rates in California elementary schools. via @tableau — kyla the worst (@fifthstarter) January 29, 2015 via

YouTube: How to Make an Attractive City

How to Make an Attractive City The School of Life

Chait Speech

Chait Speech “Iterated over time, though, that means the people who do object in particular cases are increasingly from out-groups: People who really don’t care about racism or sexism or think they’re serious problems. Now the incentives are even worse for in-group members. Because now being the one to say “hey, wait a minute” in […]

How one of the best films at Sundance was shot using an iPhone 5S

How one of the best films at Sundance was shot using an iPhone 5S ‘Ransone said that the key to shooting Tangerine was having a team well-versed in traditional filmmaking. “You still need to know how editing works. You still need to know how sound works. You still need to know how a camera works,” […]

Tweet by octonion

The more effective a technology, the more rapidly people take it for granted and begin to underestimate the value. See vaccines. — Christopher D. Long (@octonion) January 28, 2015 via

Tweet by ValaAfshar

Trust matrix — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) January 28, 2015 via

Vimeo: Introducing Oculus Story Studio

Introducing Oculus Story Studio Story Studio

Tweet by FOXSoccer

French club's reserves try out interesting new defensive strategy on free kicks. WATCH: — FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) January 27, 2015 via

Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say

Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say “Politics in a democracy is still based on getting people to agree with you, not making them afraid to disagree.”

Tweet by George_Berridge

With regards to almost every think-piece ever published, Marcus Aurelius nails it again.. — George Berridge (@George_Berridge) January 23, 2015 via

Tweet by sciam

Scientists discover fish living in perpetual darkness and cold beneath Antarctica. #science — Scientific American (@sciam) January 25, 2015 via

10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman: What I Learned

10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman: What I Learned by Ben Casnocha

Why I Am Not a Maker – The Atlantic

Why I Am Not a Maker – The Atlantic “Rather, I want to see us recognize the work of the educators, those that analyze and characterize and critique, everyone who fixes things, all the other people who do valuable work with and for others—above all, the caregivers—whose work isn’t about something you can put in […]

YouTube: Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030

Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030 The Verge

Vimeo: The Little Nordics – Life in miniature

The Little Nordics – Life in miniature DAMPDESIGN

Tweet by claychristensen

“Ultimately, you don’t have to slay Goliath. Instead… aim to improve people’s lives.” — Clayton Christensen (@claychristensen) January 24, 2015 via

How valid is evolutionary psychology?

How valid is evolutionary psychology?