Monthly Archives: April 2015

To trust or not to trust

To trust or not to trust As stressed by Nobel-Prize-winning economist Kenneth Arrow (1972), “virtually every commercial transaction has within itself an element of trust… it can be plausibly argued that much of the economic backwardness in the world can be explained by the lack of mutual confidence”.

Oldest stone tools raise questions about their creators

Oldest stone tools raise questions about their creators “Early homo, (not H. ergaster/erectus, but habilis) has long been seen by many palaeanthropologists as another form of australopith, and the relative brain size distributions of early Homo and Australopiths overlap and are not very different. The big shift is with erectus/ergaster, and some of us have […]

World’s oldest stone tools discovered in Kenya

World’s oldest stone tools discovered in Kenya “She agrees that the tools are too early to have been made by Homo, suggesting that “technology played a major role in the emergence of our genus.””

Raw Food Not Enough to Feed Big Brains

Raw Food Not Enough to Feed Big Brains “After adjusting for body mass, they calculated how many hours per day it would take for various primates to eat enough calories of raw food to fuel their brains. They found that it would take 8.8 hours for gorillas; 7.8 hours for orangutans; 7.3 hours for chimps; […]

Are one-way streets a plague on mankind?

Are one-way streets a plague on mankind? from: April 21, 2015 at 10:04AM

Pennisi: Did Cooked Tubers Spur the Evolution of Big Brains?

Pennisi: Did Cooked Tubers Spur the Evolution of Big Brains? “But the real revolution came once human ancestors tasted a tuber baked in a lightning-sparked grass fire and realized the value of cooking, Wrangham asserts. Heat turns hard-to-digest carbohydrates into sweet, easy-to-absorb calories. Using the protein, fat, and carbohydrate makeup of modern fruits, seeds, meats, […]

Cooking Up Bigger Brains

Cooking Up Bigger Brains “After a few tastings in western Uganda, where he works part of the year on his 20-year-old project studying wild chimpanzees, Wrangham came to the conclusion that no human could survive long on such a diet. Besides the unpalatable taste, our weak jaws, tiny teeth and small guts would never be […]

The Art of Stumbling: David Brooks on Character, “Résumé Virtues” vs. “Eulogy Virtues,” and the Humility Code of Living a Meaningful Life

The Art of Stumbling: David Brooks on Character, “Résumé Virtues” vs. “Eulogy Virtues,” and the Humility Code of Living a Meaningful Life from: April 21, 2015 at 07:27AM

Did Fire Use Require Brainy Human Ancestors? | Human Evolution

Did Fire Use Require Brainy Human Ancestors? | Human Evolution

Were Neanderthals Doomed by Lack of Fire Mastery?

Were Neanderthals Doomed by Lack of Fire Mastery?

Tweet by CodyBrown

"Can I be as great as Elon Musk?" An incredible answer from his ex-wife — Cody Brown (@CodyBrown) April 19, 2015 via

Tweet by atnan

Neat little info graphic to teach beginners how aperture, shutter speed and ISO affect a photo — Nathan de Vries (@atnan) April 19, 2015 via

How inequality changes marriage

How inequality changes marriage

Star Wars as an Icelandic Saga: The Entire Saga (in English) in One Blog Post | Tattúínárdǿla saga

Star Wars as an Icelandic Saga: The Entire Saga (in English) in One Blog Post | Tattúínárdǿla saga

What Makes A Life Worth Living?

What Makes A Life Worth Living? from: April 18, 2015 at 08:52AM

Vimeo: Five

Five The Mercadantes

New Discovery Of World’s Oldest Stone Tools

New Discovery Of World’s Oldest Stone Tools “These newly discovered tools have been reliably dated to 3.3 million years ago, according to scientists who’ve reviewed the research. That’s 700,000 years older than the previous record for the oldest stone tools ever found. That’s remarkable because it’s well before the human genus, Homo, emerged 2.8 million […]

No Rest For Your Sleeping Brain

No Rest For Your Sleeping Brain Brain consumes a lot of energy even when sleeping

How An NBA Announcer Sweetened An Overdue Dream Season

How An NBA Announcer Sweetened An Overdue Dream Season from: April 16, 2015 at 11:20AM

Let’s Hope Not: on asymmetric information

Let’s Hope Not: on asymmetric information “According to Hayek the superiority of a decentralized market economy – the main reason to live with all of the classical failures of market power, externalities, and public goods – is that it’s the most efficient system of collecting and aggregating asymmetric information. So the way we’ll really know […]