Monthly Archives: June 2016

The true meaning of the match is clearest on the face of the diehard fan

The true meaning of the match is clearest on the face of the diehard fan “Sivan – which, according to its Israeli director Zohar Elefant, was created as a ‘tongue-in-cheek answer to Zidane, the 2006 documentary that followed the soccer star through a single game’ – puts fandom under close inspection, chronicling the emotional volcano […]

Deontology Or Trustworthiness? A Conversation Between Molly Crockett, Daniel Kahneman

Deontology Or Trustworthiness? A Conversation Between Molly Crockett, Daniel Kahneman “What the work suggests is that we infer how trustworthy someone is going to be by observing the kinds of judgments and decisions that they make. If I’m interacting with you, I can’t get inside your head. I don’t know what your utility function looks […]

Gender is not a spectrum

Gender is not a spectrum So defining transgender people as those who at birth were not assigned the correct place on the gender spectrum has the implication that every single one of us is transgender; there are no cisgender people. The logical conclusion of all this is: if gender is a spectrum, not a binary, […]

The weaponised loser

The weaponised loser The thing that will not work, however, is just talking to men. Male desire and craving are not intellectualised away with some didactic lecture about how the brain or the economy works, or some sermon about what Jesus or Muhammad want from you. Desire must be redirected into some form of non-destructive […]

The Brexit Opportunity

The Brexit Opportunity from: June 28, 2016 at 09:04AM

Invisibilia: How Learning To Be Vulnerable Can Make Life Safer

Invisibilia: How Learning To Be Vulnerable Can Make Life Safer from: June 17, 2016 at 01:02AM

Why the brains of teenagers excel at taking risks

Why the brains of teenagers excel at taking risks “Our lab has confirmed that during adolescence, the brain goes through a unique developmental period, expressing profound strengths and weaknesses that set teens apart. Adolescents are at once more susceptible to negative influences, such as the pressure to use drugs, and positive drives, such as the […]

Why the brains of teenagers excel at taking risks

Why the brains of teenagers excel at taking risks “Our lab has confirmed that during adolescence, the brain goes through a unique developmental period, expressing profound strengths and weaknesses that set teens apart. Adolescents are at once more susceptible to negative influences, such as the pressure to use drugs, and positive drives, such as the […]

X marks gender-neutral

X marks gender-neutral from: June 16, 2016 at 10:25PM

Sci Fi Mixtape

Sci Fi Mixtape June 15, 2016 at 09:11PM

Three More Articles On Poverty, And Why They Disagree With Each Other

Three More Articles On Poverty, And Why They Disagree With Each Other from: June 14, 2016 at 09:13AM


SEEK AND DESTROY from: June 14, 2016 at 09:12AM

Movie written by algorithm turns out to be hilarious and intense

Movie written by algorithm turns out to be hilarious and intense “As the cast gathered around a tiny printer, Benjamin spat out the screenplay, complete with almost impossible stage directions like “He is standing in the stars and sitting on the floor.” Then Sharp randomly assigned roles to the actors in the room. “As soon […]

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is a movie about acting

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is a movie about acting “And aren’t Khan’s last lines a performance? He quotes directly Moby Dick: “To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart, I stab at thee; for hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee!” We will never get a great Moby […]

Please Make Yourself Uncomfortable

Please Make Yourself Uncomfortable “Google researchers undertook a massive multi-year research project to understand the effectiveness of teams. They wanted to know why certain teams at Google performed highly and others did not. Was it the size of the team? The blend of personality types? Or even their physical environments? Over time it became clear […]

Why do the poor make such poor decisions?

Why do the poor make such poor decisions? “People who experience a sense of scarcity are good at managing their short-term problems. Poor people have an incredible ability — in the short term — to make ends meet, the same way that overworked CEOs can power through to close a deal. Despite all this, the drawbacks of a ‘scarcity […]

Vimeo: A Rough Sketch for a Video Essay as Design Criticism

A Rough Sketch for a Video Essay as Design Criticism jarrett

How Stories Told Of Brilliant Scientists Affect Kids’ Interest In The Field

How Stories Told Of Brilliant Scientists Affect Kids’ Interest In The Field from: June 7, 2016 at 02:08PM

The Data/Human Goal Gap

The Data/Human Goal Gap from Ken Arneson

Opinion on Elementary School Homework Policy

Opinion on Elementary School Homework Policy from Ken Arneson