Monthly Archives: July 2016

Thinking About “Premature Deindustrialization”

Thinking About “Premature Deindustrialization” “But Marx and Mill were wrong. The problems of the demographic transition turned out, in the long sweep of things, to be easy presuming successful development and income growth: They solved themselves within two generations after girls attained the leisure to learn how to read. It was, rather, the problems of […]

Beyond anger

Beyond anger “And Mandela rejected not only the false lure of payback, but also the poison of status-obsession. He never saw himself as above menial tasks, and he never used status to humiliate. Just before his release, in a halfway house where he was still officially a prisoner, but had one of the warders as […]


‘WE ARE GROWN MEN PLAYING A CHILD’S GAME’ “The most any kid can ask for,” says [Bill] Russell, “is to succeed or fail on his merits. Success and failure are relative. Everyone doesn’t have presidential abilities and everyone can’t be an All-America. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a failure. My father’s a foundry worker. This […]

How The West Was Won

How The West Was Won from: July 26, 2016 at 01:59AM

Return of the oppressed

Return of the oppressed “The US, in short, was in a revolutionary situation, and many among the political and business elites realised it. They began to push through a remarkable series of reforms. In 1921 and 1924, Congress passed legislation that effectively shut down immigration into the US. Although much of the motivation behind these […]

How ‘competitiveness’ became one of the great unquestioned virtues of contemporary culture

How ‘competitiveness’ became one of the great unquestioned virtues of contemporary culture “Competitiveness is an interesting concept, and an interesting principle on which to base social and economic institutions. When we view situations as ‘competitions’, we are assuming that participants have some vaguely equal opportunity at the outset. But we are also assuming that they […]

Trump: Tribune Of Poor White People

Trump: Tribune Of Poor White People “But I think this unwillingness to deal with tough issues–or worse, to pretend they’ll all go away if we can hit 4 percent growth targets–is a significant failure of modern conservative politics. And looking at the political landscape, this failure may very well have destroyed the conservative movement as […]

Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer

Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer “I’ve tried to boil down negotiation to ten rules. The rules, in order of appearance, are: Get everything in writing Always keep the door open Information is power Always be positive Don’t be the decision maker Have alternatives Proclaim reasons for everything Understand what they value Be motivated […]

I’m With The Banned

I’m With The Banned “What’s happening to this country has happened before, in other nations, in other anxious, violent times when all the old certainties peeled away and maniacs took the wheel. It’s what happens when weaponised insincerity is applied to structured ignorance. Donald Trump is the Gordon Gekko of the attention economy, but even […]

When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism

When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism “So authoritarians are not being selfish. They are not trying to protect their wallets or even their families. They are trying to protect their group or society. Some authoritarians see their race or bloodline as the thing to be protected, and these people make up the deeply racist subset […]

Turning your anxiety into excitement

Turning your anxiety into excitement from: July 13, 2016 at 01:31PM

Where machines could replace humans—and where they can’t (yet)

Where machines could replace humans—and where they can’t (yet) “The hardest activities to automate with currently available technologies are those that involve managing and developing people (9 percent automation potential) or that apply expertise to decision making, planning, or creative work (18 percent).”

Thoughts on the use of Models in Economics

Thoughts on the use of Models in Economics from: July 13, 2016 at 10:51AM

What An Hour Of Emotion Makes Visible

What An Hour Of Emotion Makes Visible from: July 13, 2016 at 09:30AM

The secret to success: take risks, work hard, and get lucky

The secret to success: take risks, work hard, and get lucky from: July 5, 2016 at 06:39PM

Sweden faces housing crunch despite government building plan

Sweden faces housing crunch despite government building plan “In January, the government sat down with the centre-right opposition, hoping to reach an agreement on how to increase building. But the centre-left – wanting more state funded rental accommodation – clashed with the centre-right, which wants more deregulatory measures to encourage private construction.”

This Is How To Easily Improve Your Body Language: 4 Proven Secrets

This Is How To Easily Improve Your Body Language: 4 Proven Secrets from: July 3, 2016 at 07:36AM

Pynchon’s Mrs. Dalloway

Pynchon’s Mrs. Dalloway “I have no way of knowing whether Pynchon has ever read Virginia Woolf, but it seems clear that both chose a similar problem and found a similar solution. Each experienced, as everyone does sooner or later, the great unanswerable questions that only get asked in solitude and silence, when the fuss and […]

Personality Can Change Over A Lifetime, And Usually For The Better

Personality Can Change Over A Lifetime, And Usually For The Better from: July 2, 2016 at 09:02AM

Researchers Examine Family Income And Children’s Non-Cognitive Skills

Researchers Examine Family Income And Children’s Non-Cognitive Skills from: July 2, 2016 at 09:00AM