Monthly Archives: December 2016

Hannah Arendt on Loneliness as the Common Ground for Terror and How Tyrannical Regimes Use Isolation as a Weapon of Oppression

Hannah Arendt on Loneliness as the Common Ground for Terror and How Tyrannical Regimes Use Isolation as a Weapon of Oppression from: December 21, 2016 at 11:33PM

How to Be Unpersuasive

How to Be Unpersuasive from: December 21, 2016 at 11:28PM

Brian Eno – ‘What is Art actually for?’

Brian Eno – ‘What is Art actually for?’ December 12, 2016 at 01:09PM


Westworld, Race, and the Western “The first season of “Westworld” fused the robot-rebellion genre with mythology of the American West, but it failed to reckon with the racial implications of its fictional civil war.” […] “In the Western, as John Ford made it, the West liberated America from the divisive issue of slavery, allowing white […]

Writing the Truth: Five Difficulties

Writing the Truth: Five Difficulties Bertolt Brecht, 1934: “Nowadays, anyone who wishes to combat lies and ignorance and to write the truth must overcome at least five difficulties. He must have the courage to write the truth when truth is everywhere opposed; the keenness to recognize it, although it is everywhere concealed; the skill to […]

How E E Cummings writes a poem

How E E Cummings writes a poem from: December 8, 2016 at 09:29PM

The Case Against Dark Matter

The Case Against Dark Matter Many early attempts at tweaking gravity were easy to rule out, but Milgrom found a winning formula: When the gravitational acceleration felt by a star drops below a certain level — precisely 0.00000000012 meters per second per second, or 100 billion times weaker than we feel on the surface of […]

Belief vs Trust: which is the foundation of religion?

Belief vs Trust: which is the foundation of religion? “In this article, we do not want to deny the existence of the element of ‘acceptance without proof’; in a sane religious view. Nevertheless, we think that this acceptance–which we know it as belief or faith–in religion must be limited to a few items and its […]

How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist

How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist “But now companies like Apple and Google have a responsibility to reduce these effects by converting intermittent variable rewards into less addictive, more predictable ones with better design. For example, they could empower people to set predictable times during the day or week for […]

Learning From Trump in Retrospect

Learning From Trump in Retrospect “Trump and his team were a mess on campaign discipline. But when it comes to the economic platform in his speeches he remained disciplined and clear: he’s going to crush undocumented workers, roll back globalization, and cut taxes and regulations in DC. He has catch-phrases and symbols for each (the […]

Prepare for the Emergent Era

Prepare for the Emergent Era “One characteristic of emergent change is that it seems impossible until it happens, at which point it feels overwhelming, sudden, and inevitable. The moment when water droplets and wind combine into a hurricane is one example. Another example is the moment when, at about 11:00pm Eastern Time in the United […]