Category Archives: Delicious

5 Ways We Ruined the Occupy Wall Street Generation

“But now, when we catch you doing that, we mock you and tell you to go flip burgers. And that’s bullshit. We told you your whole lives that those jobs were for idiots and failures. You think you’re too good for those jobs because that’s what we’ve been fucking telling you since birth.”

Which Glue Should I Use?

From: I Love Charts

National Basketball Players Association web site

“Error 404: Basketball Not Found Please be patient as we work on resolving this. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”

The Disruptive MBA: On the Triggers of Disruption

Probably need to reread this one to understand it.

Meaning in Life Is Logically Independent of Questions about the Supernatural

Big Think, Will Wilkinson

Leonardo’s Formula Explains Why Trees Don’t Splinter

The graceful taper of a tree trunk into branches, boughs, and twigs is so familiar that few people notice what Leonardo da Vinci observed: A tree almost always grows so that the total thickness of the branches at a particular height is equal to the thickness of the trunk.

The DIY Filmmaker’s Toolkit

Transitions In Design

Transitions are the subtle in-between details that we as human beings actually connect with and the reasons we fall in love with something rather than simply like something.

Michael Lewis and Billy Beane talk Moneyball. – Slate Magazine

‘The book, Lewis agrees, is partly “about the intellectualisation of a previously not intellectual job.’

What If Middle-Class Jobs Disappear? — The American Magazine

Arnold Kling: “These trends serve to limit the availability of well-defined jobs. If a job can be characterized by a precise set of instructions, then that job is a candidate to be automated or outsourced to modestly educated workers in developing countries.”


Online alternative to credit/debit card processing

The Tetris Effect | The Awl

Jane Leavy on Penn State, Victims, and a Personal Memoir of Abuse – Grantland

“. . . And so it goes.”

Fred Friendly interviewed Joe Paterno about moral reasoning

“Use What Talents You Have”

Allan Jones: A map of the brain | Video on

Which genes are “turned on” where in the brain

They Were Penn State. | That Something

by Kate Welsh

Why Joe Paterno Didn’t Call Police

Human Psychology

The McRib as Arbitrage

Butler’s ‘Moneyball’: Stats add to game preparation

Moneyball in college hoops