Category Archives: Twitter

Tweet by nextyeardc


Tweet by AlexBelth


Tweet by curtismharris


Twitter: @Ross

Ross Every startup should make a deck like this by @fab

Twitter: @sippey

sippey _why: “when you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability.”

Twitter: @vkhosla

vkhosla FINALLY: The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram

Twitter: @MrHeavyHustle

MrHeavyHustle Adrian Peterson gets injured and they let Stevie Wonder drive him off the field. This can’t get any better

Twitter: @RadioMikeHill

RadioMikeHill 13 yr-old son in local record shop: ‘I don’t know how this place works’. His sister: ‘It’s like iTunes but in a building’. #PerceptionShift

Twitter: @smashingmag

smashingmag List.js: native JavaScript that makes your plain HTML lists super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable –

Twitter: @flyosity

flyosity Possibly the best computer science joke I’ve ever read.

Twitter: @anildash

anildash My Internet media lesson, courtesy of Louis CK, Radiohead & Prince: Start by being one of the greatest talents in the history of your craft.

Twitter: @ncguk

ncguk “We spent so long looking for the Higgs boson, and all the time it was in our hearts.” — Higgs Boson Christmas Special

Twitter: @baseballcrank

baseballcrank A fairer tax system must, by definition, be simpler. Concentrated wealth is needed to lobby for, exploit complexity. #rsrh

Twitter: @PerKohler

PerKohler A group of researchers set out to/
explain inheritable IQ/
But every gene/
regressed towards the mean/
I should probably’ve written a haiku

Twitter: @brianboyer

brianboyer Buy the cheapest tool that fits the job. If you use it so much that it breaks, buy the most expensive tool. — My pal’s dad.

Twitter: @ducksnorts

ducksnorts On baseball and poetry:

Twitter: @TheAtlantic

TheAtlantic The original newsreel about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. WATCH: via @TheAtlanticVID

Twitter: @alvanoe

alvanoe Art and the Limits of Neuroscience:

Twitter: @BadAstronomer

BadAstronomer Kepler confirms the first planet found in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star!

Twitter: @UkDavef

UkDavef #Euro2012 if Spain, Italy, Greece & Ireland are drawn together will it be called the Group of Debt?