11. New Deal regulatory schemes, from national security to financial rules, were premised on this basic view that big biz wasn't property.
— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) December 7, 2016
Category Archives: Twitter
Tweet by matthewstoller
Tweet by matthewstoller
30. Faced with a corporate autocrat lying in corporate management speak or a political autocrat promising to save your job, who do you pick?
— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) December 7, 2016
Tweet by bogcommenter
Might be right. But strikes me as "Being There" — elites rationalizing mindless drivel from an imbecile gardner. https://t.co/ooymCpwWQO
— Internet Contrarian (@bogcommenter) December 3, 2016
Tweet by jayspectech
The answer to, "What idiot did this!?" is almost always, "A smart, well-intentioned person making tradeoffs you hadn't even considered."
— Jason Specland (@jayspectech) December 14, 2016
Tweet by jmichaelkell
8. Evangelicals want to live in a theocracy. They fully support any government action that forces Christian views on non-Christians.
— J. Michael Kell (@jmichaelkell) December 28, 2016
Tweet by armstrongtr
…Midwestern folk have a general idea of who's screwing them over, and Sanders parses as an honest man. THAT'S why he'd win Missouri.
— Tim (@armstrongtr) December 25, 2016
Tweet by henrierthanthou
The more extreme your enemy's views, the more you can hate them with a perfect hatred.
— Henry Swift (@henrierthanthou) December 19, 2016
Tweet by jeremypgordon
This Onion goof on Democrat vs. Republican messaging has stuck with me for 15 years pic.twitter.com/n7D2P3nBgk
— Jeremy Gordon (@jeremypgordon) November 28, 2016
Tweet by hamandcheese
Makes you wonder how much market stagnation is not intentional collusion but the accidental result of rational firm level group-think.
— Samuel Hammond (@hamandcheese) November 25, 2016
Tweet by mdreddy6
Is autism a natural manifestation of human diversity—or a condition to be cured? Interview with @stevesilberman https://t.co/7Ieo2rDO69
— Madhuri Reddy (@mdreddy6) November 22, 2016
Tweet by foratv
Does the political center still exist? @IQ2US https://t.co/df6LgND7uA
— FORA.tv (@foratv) November 15, 2016
Tweet by weblackandnerds
Finding Hope in a TARDIS: Violence, Racism, and Headline Fatigue an essay by @AngeliqueRoche https://t.co/FVyB4yqyFm
— Black Girls Create (@weblackandnerds) November 14, 2016
Tweet by sarahmei
My capacity for abstract thought (like about software) is predicated on me not using brainspace on lower level issues like safety & food.
— Sarah Mei (@sarahmei) November 30, 2016
A Tale of Two Moralities, Part One: Regional Inequality and Moral Polarization
“The good news is that anti-elite anybody-but-Hillary-ism doesn’t really imply serious public appetite for anything like alt-right authoritarianism. The bad news is that the liberal-democratic capitalist welfare state and the so-called ‘neoliberal’ global order is far and away the best humanity has ever done, and we’ve taken it for granted. We could very well trash it in a fit of pique, and wind up a middle-income kleptocracy boiling with civil strife and/or destabilize the global order in a way that ends in utter horror.”
Tweet by jcarroll42
@antonioregalado But seriously – expertise in complex systems designed by humans translates very poorly to working in ones that evolved.
— jeff carroll (@jcarroll42) April 21, 2017
Hannah Arendt on Loneliness as the Common Ground for Terror and How Tyrannical Regimes Use Isolation as a Weapon of Oppression
from: December 21, 2016 at 11:33PM
Brian Eno – ‘What is Art actually for?’
Brian Eno – ‘What is Art actually for?’
“The first season of “Westworld” fused the robot-rebellion genre with mythology of the American West, but it failed to reckon with the racial implications of its fictional civil war.”
“In the Western, as John Ford made it, the West liberated America from the divisive issue of slavery, allowing white men and white women to come together, at last, in making America great again.”
Writing the Truth: Five Difficulties
Bertolt Brecht, 1934:
“Nowadays, anyone who wishes to combat lies and ignorance and to write the truth must overcome at least five difficulties.
- He must have the courage to write the truth when truth is everywhere opposed;
- the keenness to recognize it, although it is everywhere concealed;
- the skill to manipulate it as a weapon;
- the judgment to select those in whose hands it will be effective;
- and the cunning to spread the truth among such persons.
These are formidable problems for writers living under Fascism, but they exist also for those writers who have fled or been exiled; they exist even for writers working in countries where civil liberty prevails.”