Monthly Archives: October 2017

Math’s Beautiful Monsters

Math’s Beautiful Monsters “By the 1970s, Itō’s work had blossomed into a whole new area of mathematics, called stochastic calculus (mathematicians like calling things that are random “stochastic”). It came with a whole new set of tools and theorems, just as calculus had. Today, stochastic calculus is used to study all sorts of phenomena, from […]

How Did New Atheism Fail So Miserably?

How Did New Atheism Fail So Miserably? from: October 24, 2017 at 10:49PM

Is this the world you should want?

Is this the world you should want? from: October 24, 2017 at 12:24PM

Yoram Hazony on classical liberalism

Yoram Hazony on classical liberalism from: October 24, 2017 at 09:47AM

The Loss of Loss Aversion: Will It Loom Larger Than Its Gain?

The Loss of Loss Aversion: Will It Loom Larger Than Its Gain? “Loss aversion, the principle that losses loom larger than gains, is among the most widely accepted ideas in the social sciences. The first part of this article introduces and discusses the construct of loss aversion. The second part of this article reviews evidence […]

The Laffer curve for high incomes (pdf)

The Laffer curve for high incomes (pdf) “Revenue-maximizing rates accordingly range between 60 and 76 percent. In five cases, the country is estimated to be on the wrong side of the Laffer curve, implying a degree of self-financing exceeding 100 percent. The average effective marginal tax rate is 57 percent, while the average estimated revenue-maximizing […]

Where Do We Come From?

Where Do We Come From? from: October 18, 2017 at 04:25PM

For Me To Win, You Have to Lose

For Me To Win, You Have to Lose “Trump’s idea of business is basically cheating. That doesn’t necessarily mean breaking the law, though Trump does plenty of that. It means making money by trickery and hard dealing in which the other party usually ends up screwed. Those just aren’t the skills that end up being […]

A Systems Approach to Social Disintegration

A Systems Approach to Social Disintegration “Conventional thinking can work for straightforward problems such as healing a wound, but it is not suitable for social problems with all their interlocking features. For example, ending homelessness cannot be accomplished just by providing shelter. It requires a set of long-term initiatives encompassing changes to housing policy, expansion […]

I have a message for you…

I have a message for you… from: October 13, 2017 at 02:22PM

The excellent Kevin A. Bryan on innovation

The excellent Kevin A. Bryan on innovation from: October 10, 2017 at 10:13PM

SSC Journal Club: Serotonin Receptors

SSC Journal Club: Serotonin Receptors from: October 10, 2017 at 09:09PM

SSC Survey Results On Trust

SSC Survey Results On Trust from: October 5, 2017 at 11:36PM

Six Principles of Political Realism by Hans J. Morgenthau

Six Principles of Political Realism by Hans J. Morgenthau …politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. …the concept of interest defined in terms of power …power is an objective category which is universally valid, but it does not endow that concept with a meaning that […]

Different Worlds

Different Worlds from: October 4, 2017 at 05:42PM

VAT — full text

VAT — full text from: October 4, 2017 at 04:59PM

From Political Ignorance to Political Polarization

From Political Ignorance to Political Polarization “Each of us knows that we aren’t villains, or crazy, or liars, or evil. Uncharitable accusations work only when applied to the other side. But unlike uncharitable interpretations of the other side’s mistakenness, charitable interpretations can apply to ourselves. Each of us knows that we can make logical errors […]